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therapists specializing in sexual concerns, relationships, IFS Therapy
and mental health 
go beyond good enough
Goger Cranston providers are specialized in treating adults of all ages with mental health disorders, sexual concerns, marital and other relationship issues. Clinical consultation is available to other behavioral professionals.
We are available for Telehealth and in person appointments.

Our Therapists


Michael Cranston is a Licensed Clinical Marriage & Family Therapist (LCMFT) dedicated to helping individuals and couples explore and develop a safe, fulfilling sexual life. Michael is an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and has over 40 years of experience working with addiction, behavioral health disorders, and relationship counseling.


Margaret Goger Cranston is a Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker (LSCSW), AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, and Internal Family Systems (IFS) Certified Therapist and IFS-I Approved Clinical Consultant. She has over 30 years of experience with behavioral health disorders and relationship counseling.

Confidential patient registration can be made with Michael Cranston or Margaret Goger Cranston at

Use the "find a therapist" link.


Mon: 9am - 7pm

Tues: 9am - 7pm

Wed: 9am - 6pm

Thurs: 9am - 7pm ​​

Fri By Appt ​


807 N. Waco Ave #22,

Wichita KS 67203

(316) 977-8400

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